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Friday Night Flips: Episode 1: A Brand New Invention

March 23, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Friday Night Flips is a series of 4 player match play get togethers at The Lower Playfield. 4 players will compete on the games downstairs in 4-2-1-0 matches until a player hits 21 points. They will be the winner! Each player will put in an ante to the match and the winner goes home with it all.

All the fun of the Lower Playfield, now available wherever you are! All the action will be broadcast on Twitch at twitch.tv/mutterfudder starting at 7PM.

Episode 1: A Brand New Invention

The Ice Ice Arcade is one of the premiere locations in Southern New Hampshire, hosting NEPL League, regular tournaments, and even the IFPA State Championship. IIA and its owner/operator, Chris Brunette, were a huge inspiration for building out The Lower Playfield and opening it up to the pinball people of New England. It was only natural that to kick it off, we had to go to Vanilla to kick it one time, boyyyyyyye.

Episode 1 features four players who frequent the IIA, playing for bragging rights and to be crowned the first FNF winner.

  • Chris Brunette operates the premiere Vanilla Ice themed arcade in the world out of his home. The Ice Ice Arcade is one of the large, friendly private venues in Southern NH. An IFPA NH State finalist for the past few years, Chris is also a skilled flipper. In addition, Chris also attended every tournament at TLP in year one!
  • Mitch Gagnon has been playing pinball at Ice Ice Arcade for at least as long as we have. Mitch is an active player, restorer, and member of the Auburn Pinball collective. Mitch also has a business selling awesome Vapor Metallic lights (like the ones in our Tron and Rush) blending classic looking bulbs and LED technology (Check out his Pinside shop: https://pinside.com/pinball/biz/directory/2204-mitchell-lighting)
  • Sam Keogh is the current season’s NEPL site champion for the IIA, and has also been playing at IIA for as long as we have. Sam has quickly been a staple in the tournament scene all around NH and New England. A prolific player who can get hot and roll through anyone, Sam is also one of the nicer and more gregarious types of people you like to meet at tournaments, sharing strategies and having a great time.
  • Erik Peabody is another player we met playing at IIA after the pandemic. Erik is a master pinball restorer who has won best in category awards at the Pintastic New England shows for his work on restoring multiple machines. Erik is someone with a contagious laugh who you always love being in a group with, but don’t let that fool you: Erik can play a mean game under pressure!

On commentary:

  • Jordan Knights is an owner/operator of The Lower Playfield, and a finalist in the IFPA Womens NH State finals for the past two years. As a participant of many nights at Ice Ice Arcade, Jordan will bring her knowledge of the players and the games to the stream. And probably lots of giggles as well.
  • Zheanna Murray has been a high ranked player in the New England area for a few years now. Z is currently the IFPA NH State points leader for 2024, as well as runner up to the IFPA NH State Finals for the 2023 (Editors Note: I’ve also never beaten her in the IFPA State Tournaments!). She has tremendous game knowledge and is a fantastic commentator.


March 23, 2024
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm