Target Matchplay using IFPA Scoring (7/5/3/1 or 7/4/1), on alternating banks of “longer playing” and “shorter playing” games. In the spirit of love, all pairings will be balanced, meaning you should get an opportunity to play with everyone throughout the day! The end of the tournament will be nigh when one player hits 56 points (The year Ian Curtis was born — look it up kids). Play will continue until either: 4 players have reached the target score, or 3 additional rounds of play have been completed after the first person has hit the target. Any exact ties for top 4 will be broken on a 3 ball game of Grand Prix (or similar, if the game is unavailable at the time of the tiebreak).
The top 4 will compete in a 4 game playoff in Build-A-Bank format. The 1st seed will have the first game pick, and will earn a subsequent pick for as many additional rounds that were played after they hit the target. Any available game picks will cascade to the next seed for choosing. (For example, if the top seed hits the target on round 9, and the last round is round 11, the top seed will choose the first 3 games, and the second seed would choose one.)
Players 5-8 will play a single game not chosen in the finals for a $20 Funspot Tokens gift card! Thank you to Funspot for furnishing this prize!
We will run a game of prize money stallball for all after the finals get underway, and you’re of course welcome to stay and play freeplay after the tourney ends for a bit as well!
We anticipate, based on past tournaments, the Matchplay portion to take roughly 4-5 hours, and the finals to take an additional hour. We have similar formats before and feel reasonably confident in these time estimates.
No Response registrants:
Registration will open at Noon Eastern on Saturday February 3rd, and will remain open until 32 spots are filled. At that time, the registration link will be posted at the top of the event page on and e-mailed to all members of the mailing list. Once/If 32 spots are filled, waitlist registration will remain open until the week before the tournament on February 17th. Payment of fees within 72h of registration via PayPal/Venmo will be required. If you prefer cash at the door, and have played in 2 past tournaments at Lower Playfield before, we will accept cash at the door. Please contact Derek or Jordan directly to confirm you will be doing so, or to make arrangements, or your registration may be cancelled. If you are registering for multiple people (Friends/Siblings/Children/Alien Overlords) please fill out the form twice!
Once you confirm you are on the registration list above, please make payment via:
Registration fees will be fully refundable until February 17th. After February 17th, refund requests will be accepted less the house fee. Exceptions made on a case-by-case basis.
Assuming a full slate of 32 players, the following prize schedule will be used:
Two games of Stallball will be run for non-finalists and will each be awarded $10 to the winner (you can only win once, but if you wanna play twice, cool cool).
We will give a second Funspot Tokens Gift Card out to a participant who doesn’t win any other prize! Again, thank you Funspot for providing that prize!
$20 of entry fees will be reserved to help offset costs of the trophies.