This a list of all competitive games in play at The Lower Playfield. There is basic information about each game, as well as some quick basic strategy for each.
All best effort is made to keep this list up to date with the most accurate information about the games. However, this list is a guideline. Use game information, notes on games, and your own eyes and ears to confirm all information. No compensation will be given if the game setup is different than this list: this list is for information only.
Last Update: (January 2025 — Add Princess Bride full rulesheet. Added full NACS changes.)
- Attack From Mars
- Blood Bank Billiards
- Cirqus Voltaire
- Drained
- Fathom
- Final Resistance
- Foo Fighters
- Game of Thrones
- Grand Prix
- Heist
- Iron Maiden
- Jurassic Park
- Laser Cue
- Medusa
- Metallica
- Meteor
- Mystic
- Princess Bride
- Rick and Morty
- Rush
- Sorcerer: Championship Edition
- The Walking Dead
- Theatre of Magic
- Total Nuclear Annihilation
- Trident
- Tron Legacy
- Volley
- Wild Fyre Reignyted
Attack From Mars
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Rubbers on the inlane/outlane posts have been removed
Basic Strategies:
- Open saucer by hitting targets on shield, hit saucer repeatedly to defeat.
- Multiball: shoot ramp/lane left of saucer to light locks and lock balls
- Fill lower lanes to light stroke of luck at scoop.
- Any major ramp/orbit shot 3x lights hurry up at saucer
- All major ramps/orbits 3x starts total annihilation MB
Blood Bank Billiards
- Num. Balls: 5
- Ball Save Timers: None
- Num. tilt warnings: 1 per ball
- EB: On, Play EB’s
- Competition Mode: N/A
Basic Strategies:
- Complete solid colored shots to sink balls
- After sinking all colored balls, hit gobble hole to sink the 8 ball, score 2250, and start a new rack. This does not end your ball.
- Hitting the gobble hole before sinking all balls is a scratch, and ends your ball.
- Shoot blood bank targets (front 6 targets, 2 far red targets, and lower three targets on sides) for 50 points if not flashing, 300 points if flashing.
- The front 8 blood bank targets (6 middle front targets, 2 far side red targets) can be drained of blood when flashing (turning the insert from red to white). Drain all 8 flashing targets to earn Extra Ball.
- Insert under right flipper shows tilt status. If lit, next danger will tilt the ball.
Cirqus Voltaire
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Ramp Lock is Virtual
- The outlane posts have been opened wider as of 4/2024
Basic Strategies:
- Play Ringmaster Modes by hitting Ringmaster repeatedly.
- Collect juggler locks/mb at left orbit
- Left Orbit lights for Side Show
- High Wire MB: shoot ramp targets then lock ball up ramp
- Num. Balls: 5
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition Mode: Yes, fixed vampire order
Basic Strategies:
- Gobble hole always ends ball
- Shoot SLAY and VAMP to start vampire battle
- In vampire battle, gobble hole will kill vampire (permanent bonus) and end ball
- Spelling STAKES once a ball will give 2 ball multiball
- Spot targets by filling lower lanes/side targets/spelling GARLIC
- Pop hits light playfield multiplier, HOLY WATER targets behind pop light bonus multiplier
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: None
- Num. tilt warnings: 0
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: n/a
Basic Strategies:
- Lock balls in upper/right saucer for multiball
- Start multiball by dropping all drop targets in front of a ball locked saucer
- Green/Blue drops on left spot corresponding saucer drop on completion
- Spinner lights at target near right flipper
- Playfield X equal to balls in play
Final Resistance
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- Competition mode: n/a
Basic Strategies:
- Battles light after time on orbits
- Shoot lit shots in battles for progress
- Spelling LOCK LOAD on side targets lights drop target lock up middle for release during modes only.
- Open shield/right ramp by hitting shield in front of ship or using HACK powerup
- Earn HACK powerups by filling lower lanes.
- Change selected powerups using white buttons, use powerup by hitting launch button.
- Multiball: lock 3 balls in ship (right of right ramp).
Foo Fighters
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2 (Debounce: 1000ms)
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Overlord Fork disabled
Basic Strategies:
- Hit White shots to light modes
- Hit drop targets to add van mods for scoring boosts
- Hit overlord for multiballs
- Hit Right Ramp many times for Area 51 Multiball
- Lit button spots most valuable shot
Game of Thrones
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2 (1000ms debounce)
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Ramp Lock is Virtual
- House Locked to Baratheon (outlane ball save for 3s once a ball by hitting action button)
- Lock targets Set to Hard
Basic Strategies:
- Repeat shots to light house modes
- Center ramp to start multiball and choose from lit modes
- Hit shots. Get points.
Grand Prix
- Num. Balls: 5
- Ball Save Timers: None
- Num. tilt warnings: None
- EB: Disabled
- Competition mode: n/a
Basic Strategies:
- Hit A/B or C/D targets to earn star bonuses.
- Spin spinners to light spinners for 1k
- Side scoops collect side bonus
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: n/a
Basic Strategies:
- Hit indicated shots to recruit specialists for heists (2x any shot). Hit lit shots to recruit member (shots light at the top of screen with arrows pointing to shots).
- Police MB: hit targets near jail and then spinner to lock balls and start.
- Crane MB: Hit standup targets to spawn money on playfield, roll over to collect. Shoot right ramp to start once enough cash collected.
- Heists: Collect multiple members then hit blue mastermind shot to start. Follow lit shots to complete.
Iron Maiden
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2 (debounce 1000ms)
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Secret Skill shots are ON
- “Can I Play With Madness” disabled for NACS
Basic Strategies:
- Hit white shots to light modes up at center scoop
- Trooper MB: hit drop targets to light locks at green shots.
- Mummy MB: hit captive ball to light lock on left ramp, hit captive ball 5x to release
Jurassic Park
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2 (debounce 750ms)
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- T-Rex head is disabled
Basic Strategies:
- Hit white shots to light paddocks for dinosaur modes
- Dino modes (rescues – trap targets – helipad – yellow arrow)
- T-rex multiball from hitting truck til shots go orange then left ramp (1x a game)
- Chaos MB – Spell CHAOS in order, hit target in pops
- Raptor MB: Lock ball in raptor pen, hit until release
Laser Cue
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: n/a
- Num. tilt warnings: 1
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: n/a
- Solenoids fire at all times, even in game over or tilt. Check for tilt status during game.
- Bar between right flippers has been removed
- Rightmost pop bumper disabled
Basic Strategies:
- Hit pool ball targets in order to complete racks
- Spell P-O-O-L to light bonus x
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: n/a
- Num. tilt warnings: 0
- EB: Off, though Extended Play 4th timed ball on
- Competition mode: n/a
- Extended play ON
- CHECK PLAYER ORDER ON BALL 3 due to Extended Play ON
- Super bonus on and carries from ball to ball
- Intermittent non-registering orbits are mechanical nature of pinball. Play on.
Basic Strategies:
- Drop targets up top to close zipper flippers
- Shoot saucer when arrow lights for big score collects.
- Advance lower playfield bonus from lower drops/targets/star rollovers
- Shield of Gods: moves up post on 2nd right flipper button. Earn extras by right orbit shots
- Bonus X: Right orbit shots
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
Basic Strategies:
- Main multiballs at Sparky (electric chair – hit until inserts in front flash. Next shot starts multiball. Progress carries from ball to ball) and Crosses (drop all targets and hit the cross in the back. Subsequent multiballs will require more hits to start). Multiballs also at coffin hits and snake hits, though harder to get and repeat.
- Hit enough Cross, Electric Chair, Snake, and Coffin shots to light playfield inserts. Collect all 4 to light “Crank It Up” modes at the scoop.
- Red arrow shots will light inserts at that shot for Electric Chair, Cross, and Snake when those shots are hit. Hitting a shot with a lit insert will award progress to those inserts, similar to hitting the feature directly. Lighting all 3 on a single shot will pulse the lights on the shot. Hit the flashing shot followed by the coffin to “lock in” those inserts. The shot will then spot progress to all 3 features when hit.
- Crank It Up modes are timed modes worth massive points with a short ball saver. Follow DMD instructions to complete.
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: n/a
- Num. tilt warnings: 0
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: n/a
Basic Strategies:
- Hit METEOR targets to light value at spinner
- Rip Spinner A Lot
- Complete METEOR targets to add Bonus X.
- Bonus earned by advancing 1-2-3 target banks
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: n/a
- Num. tilt warnings: 0
- EB: ON, Plunge Extra Balls
- Competition mode: n/a
- Super Bonus carries from ball to ball
Basic Strategies:
- Hit saucer to light spinners
- Pops and minor switches switch targets between pyramid and eye
- Complete drops to create tic-tac-toes for 9k super bonus
- Advance bonus x at captive ball
Princess Bride
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: n/a
- Competition mode: yes (deterministic mystery awards)
- Full rulesheet:
Basic Strategies:
- Follow Red Shots for Skill Shots (progressive)
- 3 sets of modes available, qualified by hitting Castle (leftmost ramp), Florin (left orbit) and Guilder (cliffs). Top of screen shows # shots to progress or to open. Play all 3 modes at location for mini wizard mode.
- Playing modes in a narrative order (shown in the book) will award bonus points.
- Complete inlanes for Bonus X.
- Repeated shots start mini modes that can reward points, progress, and score boost other modes.
- Many modes have odd rules (no hold flippers, one handed mode). Book in middle of the screen will tell you what you need to do to complete mode, shots light on inserts and top of screen near the walls and scoops.
- As You Wish mb: make a skill shot, then start a Guilder Mode. You may opt in to a 2 ball multiball for 2x scoring, but mode will fail/end if one ball drains.
- True Love MB: Hit side targets to spell TRUE and LOVE. Start at mystery hut. Can stack into modes.
Rick and Morty
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Slightly Shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2 (debounce 1500ms)
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On (Fixed dimension and adventure order for all players)
Basic Strategies:
- Start most adventures at scoop (One adventure requires garage shot — look for purple shots)
- Extra right flipper button controls magnet above right inlane. Acts like Black Knight/Grand Lizard. Charge at lock shot.
- MB locks: Hit crank (metal rod on left side of Right Ramp) and lock balls in horseshoe. Start at scoop.
- Dimensions: Hit spinner until orbit shots light green.
- Megaseeds: Change dimensions, hit orange shots
- Meeseeks MB: Hit meeseeks target to add blue shot to playfield, hit blue/purple circles to collect, collect enough to start.
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
Basic Strategies:
- Start modes by hitting enough record shots then time machine. Color matching record shots boosts song mode values.
- Time Machine MB: Hit time machine repeatedly.
- Far Cry MB: hit targets on right ramp, shoot ramp when lit, lock ball in upper scoop. Shoot scoop when green lights flashing to start.
- Freewill MB: hit drop targets to lock in flashing target. Complete bank to earn flashing instrument. Collect all instruments and hit target behind drops to start MB.
- Headlong Flight MB: Hit pops to advance clock, shoot right orbit when lit.
Sorcerer: Championship Edition
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: None
- Num. tilt warnings: 1
- EB: Off
- Lock Stealing is Off
- Multiball Must Be Qualified — See Below
- Drops must be completed before reset to qualify lock and release
- First Multiball: Normal Sorcerer Multiball rules, LOCK and RELEASE are lit.
- Second Multiball: Drops must be completed once to light LOCK and RELEASE
- Subsequent Multiballs: Drops must be completed once to light LOCK, then again to light RELEASE
- Sets of Drops completed in Multiball do not count towards progress to future LOCKs
- Drop reset timer extended to 7s (from: 5s)
Basic Strategies:
- Spell A-B-C-D to earn Bonus X
- Complete drops before reset to earn lit value and light locks (rules above)
- Shoot ramp when LOCK flashing to lock ball, shoot again when RELEASE flashing to start multiball
- Multiball starts 2x all scoring, shoot ramp to advance to 3x and 5x scoring
- Spell SORCERER to light spinners for 2500 a spin.
The Walking Dead
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: Off (Modes can be started during MB’s)
- Prison doors are always closed.
Basic Strategies:
- Complete drop target bank to light modes (progressively more banks required for subsequent modes).
- Prison MB: Hit prison to light all shots red. Hit all red shots then prison to start. Additionally, hitting prison in qualification phase will spot red shots.
- Well Walker MB: Hit well walker repeatedly until it starts
- Blood Bath MB: Hit drop bank to lock in flashing item. Complete bank to collect and lock in item. Collect all items then complete bank one more time to start blood bath. 2x add a balls available by completing bank again during MB.
- 2x playfield: hit tower shot after prison targets.
- X: light X on inlanes by collecting 2 walkers (white circles). Every 2 walkers adds a multiplier to lit X. Roll through lit x and hit a shot to collect that shot times the value of X.
Theatre of Magic
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Theatre unlights after hitting an orbit. Hit any other major playfield shot to relight.
- Bonus X is linear and capped.
- Missed outlane saves when lit will be returned.
Basic Strategies:
- Hit trunk to collect skill shot.
- Spell MAGIC to light locks on orbit around trunk. Hit trunk when magnet side facing to start multiball.
- Hit open trunk to start modes.
- Theatre hurry up: hit the right orbit to spot THEATRE letter. Hit trunk after spelling theatre to collect hurry up (10s).
Total Nuclear Annihilation
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Slightly shortened
- Num. tilt warnings: 2 (debounce: 1500ms)
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: n/a
Basic Strategies:
- Light locks by hitting scoop behind right drops. Lock balls by hitting green lit drops.
- Complete reactors:
- Hit keypad targets to turn them all pink.
- Hit scoop to start reactor
- Hit lit orbits to stop ball at upper lanes and drop to upper reactor area to increase reactor to 100.
- Hit flashing red shots to destroy reactor
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 1
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- Custom code: Read Rule Card. Many ball saves. Check player order.
Basic Strategies:
- Hit drop sets to advance bonus X.
- Hit standup targets to add spinner value.
- Rescue from the deep: Once per ball, rolling through right inlane will enable a 5s ball timer. Check after draining for player lights/strobing score
- Start modes by hitting enough drops, standups, or alternating 4 spinners (any left/right combo). Bonus will strobe towards saucer. Hit saucer to start mode. Whatever set of shots were used to light mode will be worth extra value during mode.
Tron Legacy
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 2
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
All balls are powerballsBalls temporarily steel.
Basic Strategies:
- Lightcycle multiball: Hit lightcycle (Yellow Square) shots and hit scoop to start.
- Quora MB: Hit horseshoe shot right of the left ramp many times to advance progress towards MB. Hit scoop when lit to start. Jackpot: Quora shot. Super: Gem Shot. 2x Add a balls from bashing disk shield.
- Disk MB: Hit disk shield to open disc. Hit enough discs once open to start disc MB. Hit lit shots/disc to advance jackpots. If super not collected before draining to one ball, a restart will be available for 10s by hitting disk again.
- Num. Balls: 5
- Ball Save Timers: n/a
- Num. tilt warnings: 0. TILT ENDS GAME
- EB: n/a
- Competition mode: n/a
- Single Player Game. Track scores manually.
- Check at start of game to ensure all drops come up. If not all drops come up, tilt game and restart, or call a TD. No compensation will be given if not identified before starting ball 1.
Basic Strategies:
- Roll over top lanes to light drop targets of matching color.
- Drop targets worth 500 points if unlit, 5,000 points if lit.
- Dropping all drop targets will pop them all back up and reset.
- This is an EM: hitting multiple targets while chimes going will not score more than the first target hit.
Wild Fyre Reignyted
- Num. Balls: 3
- Ball Save Timers: Normal
- Num. tilt warnings: 1
- EB: Off
- Competition mode: On
- This game has custom code. Read the rulecard. There are ballsaves and a plunge/dead flipper mode.
Basic Strategies:
- Plunge lit number to get skill shot for 10k.
- Complete 4 bank to light spinner for 500/spin.
- Complete 4 bank twice in one ball to light 2x playfield for 30 seconds. Completing 4 bank in 2x playfield extends timer.
- Completing 1-2-3 in the same ball will kill flippers and eject a new ball for that player. Hit a lit eject on the plunge for 25k. Ball save will re-engage on this new ball.